Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Impact of Global Crude Oil Prices

Economic growth of a nation is primarily driven by energy. It is the key element for the sustenance in the future modern economies. But, sadly the global energy supply system is slanted towards the limited amount of fossil fuels. In every aspect of development, energy plays a vital role. It may be related to reducing poverty, increasing productivity or improving quality of life, but lack of energy acts as a severe impediment to sustainable social development and economic growth.

Crude oil is one of the important sources of energy that has the ability to pose threats, in terms of price, to energy supply and security. It is one of the most necessitated commodities in the world and India imports around 100 million tons of crude oil and other petroleum products.[1] World primary energy consumption is 12274.6 Mtoe (Million tonnes of oil equivalent) in 2011, the primary energy consumption varies with availability and specific utilities of different types of fuels with the various pie, oil: 33.06%; natural gas: 23.67%; coal: 30.34 %: nuclear energy: 4.88%; hydroelectricity: 6.45%; renewable: 1.59%.

China leads the order of absolute primary energy consumption with 21.29%, followed by US 18.49%, Russian Federation comes third with 5.59%, then comes India in Fourth with 4.55%.[2]

Impact on Indian Economy
Increasing quantum of energy products, mainly crude oil, has significant impact on Indian economy. It does not act as just a source of energy but as raw material in many industries. Prices of crude oil matter to every economy because it is the lifeline of almost every economy. On one hand there are major oil producers like Organization of Petroleum Exporting countries (OPEC), Russia, and United States, while on the other hand are the importing economies like India, China, and Europe. The demand is increasing rapidly due to insipid economic growth, coupled with surging production.

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